Cognitive Processing Therapy – Colleen Stevenson Counselling

Are you confused? 

Do you feel lost and alone?

Do you feel like you are just barely holding it together? 

Are you afraid that if one more thing comes at you, you will fall apart?

Do you overreact sometimes only to feel flat or numb at other times?

Are you secretly afraid you have nothing to offer the world and your life is meaningless?


I have been there myself. I felt alone and struggled with despair, self-criticism and self-hatred. I did not think I could ever have a full and rewarding life, much less a good relationship with myself. I became a counsellor because counselling helped me to integrate my painful past and build a life I love.  I know that we human beings have an amazing capacity to heal.

I offer treatment for trauma, PTSD and shame with the following populations:

    • I work with first responders and frontline care providers who have experienced trauma in their work.
    • I work with men who have been hurt and have learned to survive but maybe not yet learned to thrive.
    • I work with men who have experienced violence, threats, intimidation and sexual abuse.
    • I work with men who have used violence, threats and intimidation against others.


Contact me to book a 50 minute counselling session if you are struggling with trauma, PTSD or shame. 

How I work

I want to understand what you are going through and what matters to you. I will listen generously and deeply. I will ask questions, diagram, sketch and reflect what I hear so I can "get it." And I will invite you to correct me if I don't "get it."
Looking at reality
Together we will get clear on what can change and what cannot change. On the side of change, we will look for supports and mentors; we will break it down into steps and prioritize. On the side of what cannot change we will do the work of acceptance.
We will look for ways you can connect with others (people alive or past, places, animals), connect with what you care about – your sense of purpose, your beliefs, commitments and values - and connect with yourself so you can learn to count on your own friendship.

Thoughts and Ponderings

See blog

Contact Colleen

2950 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC
E-mail: Phone: 250-818-4057